Glenwood Cemetery, located directly south of St. Paul’s and approximately 2 km from the Stella Ferry Dock, is owned and operated by Loyalist Township for the use of all religious denominations. Please direct all enquiries, including plot purchases and burial requirements to the Clerk at (613) 386-7351 Ext 121 or see for further information.
The first burial was made in this Cemetery on June 22, 1886. Alexander Glenn remains were interred in a field of barley. Subsequent planting of Maple trees resulted in the cemetery being named “Glenwood Cemetery”. Today many of the trees are of original growth. The original cemetery purchased in April 1886 was approximately two acres and in 1977 given the need for additional area for burials, approximately two and a half acres of property was purchased.
The cemetery is picture perfect, on a quiet Island, shady and calm.