THE GIFT OF DISCERNMENT To discern is to be able to recognize or see clearly. For a Christian to discern is for him or her to see or figure out…
“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” That verse from the Old Testament is one…
The person, nature and theology of Jesus have become big issues in the church today. The Jesus Seminar has given us new insights into the life and thought of…
Hospitality will help the church to grow. The lack of hospitality will kill the church. Several of you have told me about churches where you were not made welcome.…
Prayer is speaking with God. Prayer is more than speaking to or at God. Prayer is more than listening to God. Prayer is the back and forth of speaking with…
EVIL, SUFFERING AND GOD A sermon preached at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Amherst Island, ON, June 22, 2014, by Zander Dunn I have a friend who keeps asking me why…